Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My first recipe post! Garlic Butter Steak

Do you ever have one of those days that you just don't feel like putting a whole lot of effort into making dinner? Tonight was that kind of night for me. I had some rib eye steaks in the fridge and quick looked for a recipe on one of my many apps and came across a Garlic Butter Steak recipe by the website Tasty. I call it Lazy Girl Steak. I think it has a good ring to it! A steak recipe that doesn't have a grill involved? I was a little skeptical but I figured I would give it a try..plus my husband wouldn't have to drag the grill out..it sounded like a win win.

I started out by salt and peppering both sides. You will learn that neither my husband or I use a lot of salt..so there will be times when I won't use the whole amount of salt that recipes call for.

I then put the steaks on a wire rack and baked at 250° for 35 minutes.

Once the steaks were done in the oven, I heated 4 tablespoons of canola oil in a frying pan. Make sure you get the oil very hot- the recipe says to wait for the oil to start smoking, but I just waiting until I saw the oil start to bubble.

I placed the steaks in the hot oil *BE VERY CAREFUL! THE OIL WILL SPLATTER AND POP* and seared for 30 seconds. I then flipped the steaks and seared the other side for 30 seconds.

I then immediately added the butter and garlic. I chose to use 4 tablespoons for butter and 1 tablespoon of minced garlic. I didn't use the thyme or rosemary that the recipe called for.

Using a spoon, continuously scoop the butter and garlic over the top of the steak for about 45 seconds on each side. 

I am a HUGE fan of using my meat thermometer. I use it on almost every kind of meat I cook. Below is a good diagram on steak temperatures.

Steak DonenessRemove from Grill at this Temperature    Final Cooked Temperature
Rare   130 to 135°F       130 to 140°F
Medium Rare   140°F       145°F
Medium    155°F       160°F
Well Done165°F       170°F

Or you can use the finger test:
 To test the doneness of your steak, lightly press the tip of your left index finger to the tip of your left thumb. The fleshy area below the thumb should feel how rare steak feels pressing the surface of the steak. For medium-rare steak, touch your middle finger to your thumb and press the area below your thumb. For medium, touch your fourth finger to your thumb. For well done, touch your pinky to your thumb.

Once your steak is the doneness you like, remove from oil and let rest for 5 to 10 minutes. We were hungry so we chose to only wait 5 minutes. The steak turned out petty good for not being grilled and it required very little effort.

Husband Rating: B-

Recipe credit to Tasty - For original recipe see link below

Until next time..stay hungry my friends! :)

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