Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Here goes nothin'! :)

I will admit- I am the guilty party who is always posting what they cooked for dinner on my social media. I can't help it. I LOVE food and I LOVE sharing my awesome recipe finds with my friends and family. A friend messaged me the other day and told me that every time I post a picture of the delicious meal I just cooked for my husband, that they always ask me for the recipe. Then it dawned on me- this person is one of the many who ask me for recipes. After going back through my Facebook messages and seeing all the requests, a little light bulb came on in my head. I should start a food blog...and now here I am!

A little bit about myself-

I am a 27 year old girl from Iowa (no, not the potato state). I have been married to my terrific husband John since April 2015. He is my taste testing guinea pig, and most of the time he loves it. He is my life, my rock and my best friend. We are big Iowa State fans- GO CYCLONES! We have 2 fur babies: Martini and Callie. I have been at my car dealership job going on 3 years now. Its not too bad- I work with a ton of great people! My husband is working his way up the work ladder fast! He is an Underwriter for Nationwide (they are on your side). He is so compassionate about what he does. He succeeds at so much. He is truly an inspiration!



You will probably learn a lot more about me through my posts- so I just gave you a quick fun breakdown. I hope you stick around to see what is to come...you won't regret it! :)

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